Dudley's Cottage - Heritage.


Dudley’s Cottage in Arrowtown dates back to around 1880. It’s one of the oldest stone cottages in Arrowtown.

In 2009, the reincarnation of the cottage into a retail premises and café commenced through a notified resource consent. The building is listed as a Category 2 historic building by Heritage New Zealand located within an archaeological site. The site directly adjoins the historic Chinese Miners Village (another Category 2 heritage-listed area and an archaeological site).

A two-storey commercial building was approved in 2015 and in 2019 we obtained resource consent to construct another two-storey commercial building within the heritage setting, featuring a café/restaurant on the ground floor and office space on the first floor. The consents were required to alter and add to a Category 2 heritage building and  because the works were within a protected tree dripline.

Throughout the process, we provided planning advice to successfully obtain affected party approvals from Heritage New Zealand (HNZ), Arrowtown Planning Advisory Group, QLDC Park and Reserves and the Department of Conservation. This enabled the 2019 consent to be granted on a non-notified basis.

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Dudleys Cottage Feb 2023
Dudleys Cottage

Queenstown Marina - Surface of Water
